Peace, Love & Giraffes

Chasing dreams and adventure in South Africa

Vote for me for the expats blog awards!

I’m excited to announce I’ve entered the blog into its very first contest! It would mean the world to me if you would read my entry, and if you feel it’s worthy, make a comment on it. The blog entry with the most comments wins. (A comment has to be more than 10 words!)

You can read & vote for my entry here: Top 5 Reasons Why a South African Braai Trumps an American Barbecue   Warning:  it may make you hungry! 

I feel it’s more than fitting that when the blog entries went live I was actually… at a braai! Here is our setup last night at our friends house. Here is a photo of the group while the fire was warming up!

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And this was on Friday night at our place… the braaimaster was hard at work! Can you see the borewors on the braai?meandjono


Can I say I love braais?! Please, please, please vote for my entry and make my day! xo


By | December 17th, 2013 | LEAVE A COMMENT